We are looking for sponsors or golfers for Falcons Classic Golf Tournament.

Stories of impact: Parents share their journey with us. Watch here.


What is our Definition of Human Flourishing?

We all have day-to-day habits and practices that often work at a subconscious level, that formulates the way we walk in this world.

We all have day-to-day habits and practices that often work at a subconscious level; the way we spend our money, verbal mannerisms, and routines. They formulate the way we walk in this world, and the way we walk in the world explicitly or implicitly states what we believe it means to flourish as a human being.

We know from psychology that practices form us. In athletics specific skills are formed by correct repetition of a specific action. The same applies to the formation of the habits of being human. For example, the more opportunity we have to be compassionate, the more likely we are to respond to a situation out of compassion. On the flip side, the more we act out of selfishness, the more likely we are to respond to a situation out of a place of selfishness.

They formulate the way we walk in this world, and the way we walk in the world explicitly or implicitly states what we believe it means to flourish as a human being.

At Surrey Christian School we believe our task is to engage in the formation of students, and eventual graduates, who practice the values of the Kingdom. We design our school practices with the vision of seeing our students, staff and families become “fully alive in God’s story.” Rather than simply fill students’ heads with knowledge and information, and then add Jesus like icing on a cake, we work from the ground up to educate for the wholeness that Jesus brings by engaging authentically in God’s world. We strive to create, facilitate and lead students into learning experiences that are formational. This is difficult work! We live within the western story of affluence, ease and acquisition. To be formed into God’s story requires more than deconstructing the western story, more than ‘teaching’ about God’s story in some intellectual way. It requires experiencing rich moments of God’s story here and now in day-to-day life. At Surrey Christian School we call these formational experiences and we are excited to be working hard to design learning that enables students to find themselves fully alive in God’s story. If that resonates with you, come visit us, take a tour and meet our team!


Dr. David Loewen