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Stories of impact: Parents share their journey with us. Watch here.


Moving On and Moving Forward

There is a commitment to students that is rooted in joy, a commitment to the important Kingdom work of God, and a celebration of diversity and growth.

Not too long ago, I celebrated my 50th birthday. Coincidentally, Surrey Christian School recently observed its 50th anniversary. Even more startling to me, I’ve been at our school for about half of its entire lifetime.

Sometimes when I meet former students or parents, I will get a question that at first makes me bristle: “Are you still at Surrey Christian?” I sometimes interpret that question as, I can’t believe you haven’t moved on to somewhere else.

Truth is, I have moved on as much as Surrey Christian has—in enormous ways. I love this place. This love is not just because I met my wife Monica when we both started as teachers here in 1994. It’s also not because I’ve made life-long friends here that are central to my life. Those are fantastic things.

However, at a much richer level, there is something momentous at the core of Surrey Christian School, and I feel it more and more as time passes. There is a commitment to students that is rooted in joy, a commitment to the important Kingdom work of God, and a celebration of diversity and growth.

It’s also not because I’ve made life-long friends here that are central to my life.

Our grade 8 twin boys, Daniel and Zachary, are loved for who they are and not for whatever they may accomplish. When they leave the house at 8:20 every morning, I can feel confident that they are going to a school that’s committed to helping them grow as whole reflections of God—that they have teachers and administrators who get it: our boys are not just “pupils.” Rather, like their classmates, they are also musicians, athletes, artists, scientists and searchers. Like all of us, they are works in progress: wonderful, broken and hungry for meaning.

Surrey Christian celebrates its rich past, while it continues to look forward to the future where students continue to be transformed and become even more fully alive in God’s epic story.

So yes, I am still at Surrey Christian School. As is Monica…


Tim Antonides
Director of English Language Learning

Tim Antonides is the English Language Director and has taught grades 5-8 at SCS. When he’s not teaching, he’s probably either at the ski hill or on the tennis court.

His Instagram handle is @TimAntonides.