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Stories of impact: Parents share their journey with us. Watch here.


June 22, 2020

Chloe Ma Receives $80,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship


Chloe Ma, one of our graduates of 2020, has been selected by Simon Fraser University to receive the Schulich Leader Scholarship in the amount of $80,000. This is the biggest and most well known scholarship across Canada in the STEM category. 20 Universities across Canada choose their recipient. Simon Fraser gets to choose one – and Surrey Christian School student, Chloe, is their recipient!

Schulich Leader Scholarships are the premiere STEM scholarship program in Canada and the world. With 100 outstanding students selected in Canada this year, it is all but guaranteed that this group will represent the best and brightest Canada has to offer. These future leaders will make great contributions to society, both on a national and global scale. With their university expenses covered, they can focus their time on their studies, research projects, extra curricular activities, and entrepreneurial ventures. They are the next generation of technology innovators,” says Mr. Schulich.

Those that know Chloe, know that she is an incredibly hard working student academically, and she is very involved in her community. We are so very proud of her and her accomplishments. Most notable though, is her graduation speech where she presented her capstone project. It was not over the top incredible public work. She did her project on constructing a badminton racket in the woodwork shop because she wanted to inspire more girls to discover the carpentry trade. As she said, only 5% of carpenters are women and she likes badminton so she thought she would build one with wood in the shop. Seeing a need in the world and using her passion for badminton to make an impact on those around her reflects the core vision of Surrey Christian School and our ‘Vocation in the Kingdom of God’ class.

Every year SCS can nominate one student and every year we have nominated a student knowing that it is a very difficult and unlikely to win process.

“The day I received my scholarship offer will always be clear in my head. There were no words to describe my feeling of happiness so I shed tears of joy. The Schulich Leader Scholarship is undeniably Canada’s most prestigious scholarship since not only does it provide significant financial support, but it also connects Schulich Leaders from across Canada, providing an elite network and many other benefits. Dreams don’t come true. Goals do.” -Chloe

Way to go Chloe! We are proud of you and wish you all the best at Simon Fraser University next year!