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August 30, 2023

Grade 4-7 Instrument Order

Students in grades 4-7 at Surrey Christian School will participate in a Modern Band program. Modern Band teaches students to perform, improvise and compose using the popular styles that they know and love including rock, pop, reggae, hip hop, R&B, other modern styles and worship music. Modern Band classes feature guitar, ukulele, bass, keyboard, drums, vocals, technology, and computers. Our young musicians flourish as they engage in storyline through the Modern Band program.

For SCS grades 4 – 7 music classes, it is mandatory for students to use a brown Denver soprano ukulele, a pair of drumsticks and a Home Depot 5- gallon bucket.   

Grades 5 – 7 musicians can use the bucket, drumsticks and ukulele that they previously purchased for music classes. 

Grade 4 students and new students entering grades 5, 6 and 7 will need to purchase a brown Denver soprano ukulele, a Snark ukulele tuner (Fleetwood Campus only) and a pair of drumsticks from the school. Parents are asked to purchase a 5-gallon bucket from Home Depot for their child before the start of the school year. 

To make this easy for everyone, we have worked with some of our local music stores to provide high quality beginner instruments at a discounted rate. Building upon the ukuleles that our school already owns, Cloverdale Campus students will purchase brown Denver soprano ukuleles with G, C, E and A tuning and Fleetwood Campus students will purchase brown Denver soprano ukuleles with Low G, C, E and A tuning.

Ukuleles and drumsticks should be purchased through the school (ORDER HERE) for students entering Grade 4, for new students and for those needing replacement instruments. SCS will not be selling buckets so please purchase a 5-gallon bucket from Home Depot if you do not already own one.   

You have the option of purchasing a ukulele and drumsticks for your family, or one set for each of your children. We noticed that when siblings share instruments, class time is often disrupted for both music and homeroom classes when instruments needed to be exchanged. Often one sibling would forget to bring the instruments to school, leaving the other student with no instrument. We highly recommend that each child has their own set of instruments.

Please contact your music teacher if you have any clarifying questions.

Cloverdale Campus – Mrs. Locken clocken@surreychristian.com
Fleetwood Campus – Mrs. Mahon emahon@surreychristian.com

With joy!

Cari Locken
Emmeline Mahon