We are looking for sponsors or golfers for Falcons Classic Golf Tournament.

Stories of impact: Parents share their journey with us. Watch here.

Learning Stories

Below are a variety of video learning stories showing how Surrey Christian School is Educating for Wholeness.

We believe that our mission statement, Educating for Wholeness by Engaging God’s World in the Servant Way of Jesus, is an invitation for our students and staff to partner with God in the restoring of his Kingdom, in the making of all things new.

How do teachers design learning experiences with this mission statement in mind? Click on a few examples below that show how learning becomes tangible at Surrey Christian School.

Secondary Campus Celebration of Learning

Celebration of Learning evening is a special event where grades 8 to 12 students showcase their growth, creativity, and understanding as they engage with God’s world. Through interactive displays, projects, and presentations, students reflect on how faith and learning come together in meaningful ways. This evening highlights the dedication of both students and teachers, and commitment to exploring God’s creation, inspiring the entire community to celebrate the gift of Christian education.

Grades 4-7: Mini Courses

Mini courses at our school are special learning opportunities designed for grades 4 to 7 students to explore unique interests and skills outside the standard curriculum. These courses bring students from different grades together, fostering connections and a sense of community across age groups. By engaging in diverse and hands-on activities, students collaborate, learn from one another, and build friendships, while also broadening their knowledge and experiences.

Annabeth Smith: “Who God has made us to be…”

Annabeth, grade 12 student, shares how SCS has deepened her faith and empowered her to reach beyond her comfort zone to lead intiatives, such as, Jesus Loves You club and her Capstone project.

Kindergarten – My Creation Book

Our Kindergarten students joyfully exploring the wonders of creation by working on their My Creation Book. This project allowed our kindergarteners to engage their creativity and curiosity as they reflect on the beauty of God’s world.

Elementary Campuses – Celebration of Learning

Here’s our Celebration of Learning events at our elementary campuses. We hope you feel encouraged by the beautiful and diverse learning experiences, and that you can see God’s character reflected throughout the hard work taking place in each of our classes.

Secondary Celebration of Learning

Our Secondary campus held their first Celebration of Learning event! It was a chance to celebrate our students living into our school’s mission statement: “Educating for wholeness by engaging God’s world through the servant way of Jesus.”

Grade 4/5 Storyline: Who We Are

Ms. Peters’ Grade 4/5 class has been living into their storyline, “Who We Are.” This refers to a person’s identity in Christ, and students have been living this out by being Earth Keepers, Servant Workers, Beauty Creators, and more. Most recently, they helped at “Backpack Buddies,” an organization that ensures kids have enough to eat over the weekends.

Grade 2 Chapel

At our elementary campuses, classes take turns leading chapel.  Ms. Churchill and her Grade 2 class led the campus in chapel using their class Storyline: Falling in Love with God’s World.

Grade 3 Storyline: God’s Masterpiece

Students live into this Storyline by exploring biodiversity in Science, various cultures in Social Studies, and patterns in Mathematics. They are learning to view themselves and others as image bearers, and the entire world as “God’s Masterpiece.”

Grade 10 Storyline: Made to Make

Storyline is one of the ways we connect learning to God’s story. At SCS, each class has a Storyline that invites learners to be a part of how God is making all things new. This video illustrates a Media Design 9/10 Storyline: Made to Make.

Grade 1 Storyline: Bud, Blossom, Bless

A grade 1 class embraced their Storyline, “Bud, Blossom, Bless,” by connecting with a a school in Kenya.

Keni Hervie: A Graduate Story

Keni is a recent SCS graduate who started at the school when she was in grade 3! She has one year left in her Biology undergraduate degree, and hopes to begin applying to medical schools next year. Thanks for sharing with us, Keni!

Justin Kropp: A Graduate Story

Justin Kropp, an alum from 2014, speaks about his experience being a student at at Surrey Christian School.

Making Old Things New

Siena, a grade 12 student, has been repairing a motorcycle that has been sitting unused for decades. Now that the bike is finished, it has been donated to Canada Foodgrains Bank for their annual auction – an organization that works to end global hunger.

Outdoor Education at Secondary

Enjoy examples of classes at the Secondary campus doing outdoor education – one of the ways we are “Engaging God’s World” at Surrey Christian School!

Outdoor Fridays with Kindergarten

Every Friday our kindergarten classes head to one of Surrey’s beautiful parks for their learning. This is one of the way we are “Engaging God’s World” at Surrey Christian School!

Kindergarten FLEx – Bucket Fillers!

One Kindergarten class is learning the importance of being “Bucket Fillers” – encouraging others around them! To live this out, they created encouraging bookmarks for Secondary students as they finished up their school semester.

Surrey Youth Writing Contest

Congratulations to Annis for getting second place in the Surrey Youth Writing Contest! Annis is a grade 10 student at Surrey Christian School who used an English class project as a springboard to write and illustrate a graphic novel about her experience moving to Canada.

Grade 6 FLEx with the Fraser Valley Gleaners

Mrs. Peter’s grade 6 class partnered with the Fraser Valley Gleaners, raising money to help continue their amazing work! This is an example of how a Formational Learning Experience can help meet a real need in the community.

FLEx: Community Building with International Students

Educating for Wholeness using Formational Learning Experiences (FLEx). At Surrey Christian School, we use FLEx opportunites to engage in “real work that meets a real need for real people.” As part of her grade 12 “Vocation in the Kingdom of God” class, Deborah worked with English language learners, building community during a difficult Covid pandemic year.

Grade 7 Leadership and Community Building Day

The grade 7 class spent the day at təmtəmíxʷtən/Belcarra Regional Park doing a variety of leadership and community building activities. “On a day like today, Educating for Wholeness is being a leader with integrity.”

Storyline: Mosaic Tree

We’re beginning a series of videos on the different ways teachers introduce ‘storyline’. Teachers use the language of storyline as a theme that runs through each class, “connecting learners and learning to God’s story.” This video shows an example from grade 4: ‘Mosaic’.

Storyline: Gifted to Give

This Storyline video shows a grade 2 teacher, Mrs. Smith, introducing their storyline in the first week of school: ‘Gifted to Give.’

FLEx: Cloverdale Community Kitchen

Educating for Wholeness using Formational Learning Experiences (FLEx). We use FLEx to engage in “real work that meets a real need for real people.” Ms. Vander Heiden’s students (along with other classes) have been engaging ‘real people’ at the Cloverdale Community Kitchen for many years in a variety of ways.